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Page history last edited by Aiden Yeh 15 years, 9 months ago

Radio Commercial Announcement

In-class Task



A. Each group will create 1 radio commercial study (60 sec.) for one of the following:


1. Auto Tronics Taipei 2009.


You will be announcing the show exhibit. Details of the event are available at http://www.autotronicsonline.net/


2. The opening of Mama Mia’s Italian Restaurant in Mei-Su Guan, Kaohsiung. (You could create a regular commercial with a tagline for the announcement).



-Any promotions?


B.  Your group will have to choose the most important information that you will include in your commercial.

C. Be creative. Make use of your existing or developing talents. Try weaving music and text, and sound effects.


D. There’s no limit to the number of voice over talents. This will depend on you and your study.


E. Use your Group wiki to write the radio script (20 minutes)

- Create a new page for the script

- Make sure that each member has access to your group wiki

- Add your instructor to the wiki as an Editor


F. Produce the radio commercial as soon as your script is finalized

-Use Goldwave or Audacity in recording


G. Save your radio commercial as wav or mp3 file


H. Upload your work online, and link it to your wiki


I. Add a Job list on your wiki.

Monet Ad Agency, http://monet97.pbwiki.com/Radio-Commercial%3A-Opening-of-Mamamia-Italian-Restaurant


Idea Ad Agency, http://charity027.pbwiki.com/Radio-Commercial-Announcement


Ad Blink, http://adblink182.pbwiki.com/Radio-Commercial


Yippee 123, http://yippe321.pbwiki.com/Radio-Script


Imagency, http://imagency.pbwiki.com/Radio-Commercial-Announcement


Smile Agency, http://smileagency.pbwiki.com/Radio-Commercial-Announcement


Star9713, http://star9713.pbwiki.com/radio-commercial


Shining Agency, http://shining.pbwiki.com/Writing+Script-+Mama+Mia 

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