

Page history last edited by Aiden Yeh 16 years, 1 month ago

Creating the print ad for your PSA ad campaign


1. Create 2 print studies, one for each of your PSA ad campaigns.

  1. Create a new page on your wiki called 'PSA_Print_Ad'
  2. Follow the following format when writing your PSA Print Ad


          STUDY 1 (STUDY 2)





          Body Copy:



          Contact Information:


2. You can use any of the following tools in creating your PSA Print Ad

          Word Document


          Graphics, http://www.brainybetty.com/MENUGraphics.htm

          photos http://www.freeimages.com/photos/


3. What's the lay-out style/s of your print ad? See page 239-241 for ad lay-outs


4. Take note of the following language requirements:


  Use of present tense to indicate the ongoing nature of the event/situation

  Use specific words that have emotional appeals to make the target audience feel compassion, guilt, sympathy, etc

  Use action words to say exactly what the viewers have to do and how to do it

  Use vocal variety and appropriate pacing when delivering the VO.

PSA Content

  Clearly identified the ‘Who’

  Clearly identified the ‘What’

  Clearly identified the ‘Where’

  Clearly identified the ‘When’

  Clearly identified the ‘Why’

  Clearly identified the ‘How’


5. drafts must be submitted today, 12/22/2008

   Save your ad as .doc or jpeg files. copy your print ad to your wiki.


5th Step of Creating your PSA Ad Campaigns (http://ad97.pbwiki.com/PSA-wiki)


5. Create separate pages within your wiki for:

     -Possible topics

     - resources

    - script writing (12/22)

    - storyboard (illustrations, images, etc) (12/22)

    - links for sound effects, etc.

    - etc. (other needs)


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